Climate Change Governance Assessment for AdaptWest

Climate Planning is undertaking detailed assessments of climate change adaptation governance for three South Australian local governments in the Resilient South partnership. These are the City of West Torrens, the City of Charles Sturt, and the City of Port Adelaide Enfield.
Climate Change Strategy and Policy for GAWB

Climate Planning is developing a climate change adaptation strategy and accompanying policy for Gladstone Area Water Board.
Pathways to Net Zero Carbon Emissions

Climate Planning is providing strategic advice on carbon as a corporate risk and identifying the most financially relevant pathway to implement a net zero emissions target.
Climate Change Adaptation Plan for Clarence City Council

Climate Planning is reviewing and updating Clarence City Council’s climate change adaptation plan.
Environmental Governance Review for Logan City Council

Climate Planning is assessing the extent to which the City’s Sustainability Framework is embedded into organisational governance mechanisms.
WRC Coastal Hazards Adaptation Strategy – Phase 8

Climate Planning was engaged by Whitsunday Regional Council to implement Phase 8 of their Coastal Hazards Adaptation Strategy. This includes collating and summarising the findings of the project into a final Strategy and Implementation Plan.